Hamilton Lane will continue to offer Dental coverage through Cigna and Vision coverage through EyeMed.
Hamilton Lane will continue to offer two dental plan options through Cigna: the Cigna DPPO In-Network Plan and the Cigna DPPO Out-of-Network Plan. When you utilize a participating provider in the Total Cigna DPPO network under either of the plans, your out-of-pocket costs are reduced and no claims forms are necessary. Should your dentist be outside of the Total Cigna DPPO network, opting into the Out-of-Network plan allows you to continue care with this provider. However, the cost of benefits will be based on local usual, customary, reasonable (UCR) charges that may fluctuate, and claims forms may be necessary.
Employee contributions are the same for both plans.
Use the button below to find a dental provider in your area.
Vision insurance can help you maintain your vision as well as detect various health problems.
Hamilton Lane will continue to offer employees the option to enroll in Vision coverage through EyeMed. The vision plan provides coverage for eye exams, glasses, or contacts. Please keep in mind that you will recieve greater coverage when you use in-network providers that are apart of the EyeMed Select network.
Use the button below to find a vision provider, schedule an appointment online, and learn more about your vision benefits.